The SC08 Education Program will occur November 15-21, 2008 in Austin, Texas. Participants will be
engaged in hands-on activities to engage them in applying computational science, grid computing
and high performance computing resources in education.
Housing, travel and meal costs are provided for participants. Participants are asked to pay a
registration fee of $75 to cover food and materials. This fee will be refunded if notification of
cancellations is received by October, 24, 2008. Scholarships are available for people unable to
cover the registration fee.
Education Program participants are encouraged to stay for the full SC08 conference to benefit from
all that the conference has to offer. Participants will need to cover their own housing and meals
after Tuesday, November 18, through the remainder of the conference.
Teams applications are encouraged. In order to register a team, you must first register for the
workshop. After you have registered, you can create a new team or join a team by returning to Click on "View your registration," and select "Teams" from the left panel.
Who may apply:
Applications are being accepted for undergraduate faculty, undergraduate and graduate students,
and high school teachers.
People that have attended the summer workshops are encouraged to attend to continue to expand
their knowledge and skills.
Faculty, educators, administrators, and special education professionals who work in fields that
address Learning and Physical Challenges in Education are encouraged to apply.
Standard High Performance Computing disciplines such as Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics,
Biology, and Chemistry are encouraged to apply as well as faculty in other areas, particularly
interdisciplinary fields.
Participation is open to International participants.
Registration and Notification of Acceptance:
From the pool of applicants, 100 participants will be selected to attend the SC08 Education
Program in Austin, Texas. Participants will be notified of their status by July 14.
Applicants will be added to the NCSI database of participants. This database is used to manage
the assessment activities by the NCSI evaluation team, and to allow participants to update
contact information, and view their acceptance status. No information will be shared with
external parties.
Participant Responsibilities and Benefits:
The SC08 event in Austin in November will cover the cost of travel, lodging, and meals for
people accepted into the program from the evening of the 14th through to the morning of the 19th
(Tuesday's accommodations will be covered). Participants are encouraged to stay longer to enjoy
the conference, at their own expense.
SC08 Travel Policies - A block of rooms has been reserved specifically for Education Grant
recipients at the Nugget Hotel. A deadline will be established for room reservations; after this
date, hotel reservations must be made using the SC08 on-line housing reservation system on the
SC08 website. Conference rates will not be given to participants who contact hotels directly.
For those participants who choose to stay at other hotels, a maximum of four nights lodging
expenses will be reimbursed, with the per-night lodging expense limited to the cost of a
double-occupancy room at the Nugget Hotel.
Each participant will receive a complimentary registration for the Education Program, the
Technical Program, and the Exhibit Hall. Individuals wishing to attend additional parts of the
conference, such as Tutorials, must register for, and pay the fees associated with those
components of the conference using the standard SC web registration page.
Reimbursements will be processed in a timely manner after the conference and receipt of the
completed and signed SC08 Travel Expense Report with original receipts. Detailed travel expense
guidelines will be available on-site.
Once participants are selected to the SC08 Education Grants and they have confirmed their
acceptance to the program, members of the Education committee will provide further guidance on
the logistics and next steps.
Participants that are selected to participate will be asked to pay a registration fee of $75 to
cover food and materials. This fee will be refunded if notification of cancellations is received
by October, 24, 2008. Scholarships are available for people unable to cover the registration
fee. Requests for scholarships should be sent to
Information about the process for requesting Scholarships to cover the $75 registration fee will
be sent after participant selection has been completed. Expect notification of your acceptance
to the Austin SC Education Program the first week in September."